Tuesday, November 17, 2009

My iMovie Experience

Pledge of Allegiance

Grounded Tech Integration Presentation for CI 5351

My Grounded Tech Integration project. The one thing I failed to mention in the presentation is that the current web site I'm using that I developed is a 1.0 site; by taking Charlie Miller's multimedia presentation series of classes I'm planning on developing that into a more 2.0, interactive site and will employ more of the "learning technologies" work that we're playing with in 5351. (Running time of video: 22 min)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Jerry Class Podcast: Using Audacity

This is my mix of two tracks--one a music track from freeplaymusic and the other a voicetrack that I recorder. I used Audacity to mix the two tracks.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Should we really be using Twitter numbers to assign authority to someone?

In a recent interview the national chairman for the Republican party made note of the fact that 45,000 followers to his Twitter account. So what? Are we now at the point that these numbers mean something? Or, at least, do they assign authority to him? I think not. At least not now. But I'll be we see that someday... yup, advertisers paying rates based on Twitter followers. We report. You decide.

Will Coleman ever throw in the towel?

According to Coleman's attorney, nope. He's saying the next sep for Coleman is to appeal to the Minnesota Supreme Court. That could be problematic for Coleman if he's planning on running for Minnesota governor some day--we're still waiting to hear from Tim Pawlenty on his plans. What role should the media be playing in the recount and the appeals? Should we be seeing more reporting on voter/Minnesota residents outrage on how long this has gone on? What do you think?

Fox Station in MSP investigates Mpls Police in 3-year-old shooting incident

Investigative reporter Tom Lyden is doing a series on a shooting in Minneapolis that isn't is causing some concern for the local police force. The family of the 19-year-old victim is saying that there's a cover-up going on. Lyden has been providing city documents that tend to indicate the weapon the victim alledgedly had in possession at the time may have actually been in the custody of the police from a previous incident. At the direction of the city attorney, Minneapolis police aren't responding to media queries. It'll be interesting to see the outcome of this one.